Bella Coola Base

Nestled in the heart of the beautiful Bella Coola Valley and located right on the airport at Hagensborg, West Coast Helicopters’ hangar is home to the most amazing and picturesque flying region in British Columbia. Our 2,400 square foot hangar can easily house two Astar helicopters. With the massive helicopter parking area behind the hangar, jet fuel in abundance from our 10,000 gallon tank, 5,000 gallon bowser and many double lined environmentally safe fuel caches West Coast Helicopters can easily support any major flying commitment in the region such as the Bella Coola fires of 2009.

With two remote repeater sites, round the clock flight following, planning facilities as well as fresh coffee and home made peanut butter cookies West Coast Helicopters is ready and able to support all your flying needs.

Phone 250-982-2181

Fax 250-982-2183

Freq. RX and TX 159.975 no Tone